After Earth (2013)

December 27th, 2023
After Earth

After Earth 2013 Movie Download
One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity’s escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind’s new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai.

When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai’s craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon.

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About Christian Mfon 215 Articles
Christian Mfon Populary known as Dandy Kriz is a Nigerian Music Artist and Song Writer. Dandy Kriz is also a Professional Blogger at 9jabusted media Ltd., Dandy Kriz is from South South Nigeria (Akwa Ibom) State.

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